What is a nation?

In the modern political tradition, patriotism has always been revered. Not only is pride in and devotion to country seen as a positive, but its absence is also often taken as a sign of moral deficiency. Nationalism, on the other hand, is more suspect. The nationalist identifies with the nation and nationalism can manifest as a political ideology, as it did [...]

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The end of the world as we know it

"It’s the end of the world as we know it” sang R.E.M. in 1987. The American rock band was pondering the many disasters they were supposedly facing at the end of the cold [...]

Seven big questions about lockdowns, masks, and vaccines

A year into the lockdown crisis, we should be seeing clear light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccines are being rolled out, the spread of the virus is being contained, and, [...]

The post-lockdown economy: from financial repression to crony capitalism

The Covid lockdown crisis has arguably been the most important global event since the fall of the Iron Curtain, perhaps since the Second World War. It has turned our lives [...]

Is Wall Street the enemy?

On January 11, 2020, GameStop, a struggling American video game and consumer electronics retailer, announced three new appointments to its board of directors. The market [...]

Should the social media companies be regulated?

Just before Donald Trump's exit from the White House, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube finally got rid of him. Accused of inciting the Capitol rioters, the social media giants [...]

An age of lies and deceit

Political language, said George Orwell, is designed to make lies sound truthful. From false election promises to self-serving untruths, from Donald Trump’s inauguration [...]

Can the public finances be repaired?

With the government spending billions of Pounds they do not have on fighting Coronavirus with lockdowns, a gaping hole has opened up in public finances: Britain’s [...]

Modern Monetary Theory: The dangers of an alluring economic theory

In a world of rapidly rising government debt, Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is attracting attention. That is not surprising, given that the theory purports that a government [...]

What you should know about the terrifying Great Reset

In June 2020, amidst Covid-19 lockdowns and Black Lives Matter protest, leaders from business, politics and activism joined a virtual meeting arranged by the Word Economic [...]

The left never seem to contemplate that sometimes it is the other side who is in control

As Boris Johnson contemplated his latest u-turn, this time introducing the nationwide lockdown he had insisted was not right, the hard left commentator Aaron Bastani tweeted [...]