What is a nation?

In the modern political tradition, patriotism has always been revered. Not only is pride in and devotion to country seen as a positive, but its absence is also often taken as a sign of moral deficiency. Nationalism, on the other hand, is more suspect. The nationalist identifies with the nation and nationalism can manifest as a political ideology, as it did [...]

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Why the EU referendum is not so important after all

The general consensus among believers in free markets is that the UK should vote to leave the EU in the June referendum. And as a general principle, the chance to leave a [...]

Fed and BoE rate decisions: central bankers peddling fiction

Time flies. It is only few months back when everyone thought the Federal Reserve was going to raise US interest rates again at their March meeting. Well, it was yesterday and [...]

Another big government budget for the UK

George Osborne is a prudent man. Like any financially responsible person, he is aware that you need to produce before you can consume. In his own words, he wants to "act now [...]

More on the gender pay gap: what’s the problem?

Last week's International Women’s Day had a theme: Pledge for Parity! The problem is, you see, that women are paid less than men, and the pay gap won’t close until 2133! [...]

Draghi fires bazooka, misses target

So Mario Draghi today fired what was supposed to be his big bazooka of monetary stimulus, but when the markets had digested the new schemes the ECB has cooked up they decided [...]

How is the gender pay gap doing?

Today is International Women’s Day, and the papers are full of reminders that allegedly we have a way to go before achieving real equality between the genders. One area [...]

The US creates more low paying jobs

US non farm payroll posted another gain in February, when the US economy added 242,000 jobs. The bad news though is that, just as last month, it is was mostly minimum wage [...]

Mervyn King’s courage to do nothing

Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chief during the 2007 crash, published his memoir entitled “The Courage to Act” in October – which Peter Schiff said should rather be [...]

Divine intervention: God doesn’t like shopping on Sundays

A group of British Christian leaders with nothing better to do has written an open letter to warn against a relaxation of the Sunday trading hours legislation. Apparently [...]

Inflation and the global currency war

When ECB chief Mario Draghi earlier this month warned that “there are forces in the global economy today that are conspiring to hold inflation down,” he was not just [...]