What is a nation?

In the modern political tradition, patriotism has always been revered. Not only is pride in and devotion to country seen as a positive, but its absence is also often taken as a sign of moral deficiency. Nationalism, on the other hand, is more suspect. The nationalist identifies with the nation and nationalism can manifest as a political ideology, as it did [...]

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Opposition to vaccine mandates is part of a larger fight for freedom

Freedom used to be a universally held value. From John Locke to Martin Luther King, from the French Revolution and the American War of Independence to the struggle against [...]

The left’s hypocritical silence over Trudeau

Throughout the last two years is has been both fascinating and horrifying to see how quickly supposedly free people have been stripped of their rights in the name of a public [...]

The attack on comedy is no joke

Being funny is difficult but laughing is easy. Or at least, it used to be. These days, you better beware what jokes you find funny. A Scottish politician this week used [...]

Rain Dance

To much fanfare, the UN’s latest gathering to discuss climate change, the 26th such summit, is taking place in Glasgow, attracting world leaders and activists to give [...]

How (not) to lower energy prices

Energy costs are skyrocketing. The UK wholesale energy market has reached record highs with international gas prices surging as depleted reserves meet increasing demand from [...]

Immanuel Kant: libertarian?

Immanuel Kant is widely regarded as one of the most influential philosophers of all time. Born in Königsberg, Germany, in 1724, at the advent of the Age of Enlightenment, [...]

What is conservatism?

In most Western countries, the modern political divide nominally pitches left leaning social democrats against conservatives on the centre-right. But take a closer look at [...]

Inflation in the era of QE: still a monetary phenomenon

When global central banks responded to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) with Quantitative Easing (QE), many economists, not least Austrians, foresaw a wave of inflation. [...]

The age of big-government Conservatives

It is a development that has been under way for some time: the traditional left/right political divide is no more. A poll this week shows how a supposedly right-wing PM now [...]

Covid, lockdown and the Nuremberg Defence

Between 1945 and 1949, Nuremberg, in the German state of Bavaria, was the scene of a series of military tribunals, carried out to prosecute Nazi war criminals in the [...]