What is a nation?

In the modern political tradition, patriotism has always been revered. Not only is pride in and devotion to country seen as a positive, but its absence is also often taken as a sign of moral deficiency. Nationalism, on the other hand, is more suspect. The nationalist identifies with the nation and nationalism can manifest as a political ideology, as it did [...]

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Why disaster relief is misguided

When people decide where to live there are many factors which are taken into account and the subjective ranking of these end up determining whether we settle in one place or [...]

Risk, reward and inequality

The entrepreneur is an unusual economic actor: integral to capitalism and admired on the right, he also enjoys a modicum of popularity on the anti-capitalist left, as a symbol [...]

SJWs and the abuse of the English language

The otherwise obscure transgender black model, Monroe Bergdorf, hit the news last week after L’Oreal, who had hired her as part of a campaign to highlight diversity, had to [...]

Were the Nazis socialists?

“Nazi” is a term which is thrown around a lot these days. White nationalists are particularly liable to be labelled as such, but many other groups which identify [...]

Time to re-make the case for Brexit

More than a year after Britain voted to leave the European Union, Labour this week made its mind up on strategy: the official exit in 2019 is to be followed by a transition [...]

The selective outrage of the left

The Left has spent the last years in a state of constant moral outrage. In their world consisting of victims and oppressors, unfairness is everywhere. Free market policies are [...]

Being clever doesn’t make you right: Hawking regurgitates leftwing nonsense on the NHS

Stephen Hawking has weighed in on the debate about the future of the NHS with warnings about creeping privatization. His intervention has been widely celebrated on the left, [...]

Why libertarians must leave virtue signalling to the left

After last week’s nationalist march in Charlottesville under the “Unite the Right” banner and the confrontations with civil rights protestors which ultimately left one [...]

The inequalities of the welfare state

Those who believe in free markets and individual responsibility are often chastised for being willing to leave people behind and fostering a society with unacceptable levels [...]

What you, and the regulators, should know about bank capital and market discipline

A decade on from the financial crisis and the capital markets continues to be in perilous shape, with international finance still dominated by a dozen or so financial [...]