
May surrenders to the world view of the Left

There’s a new name for the government’s vision of Britain in 2017. The ‘Shared Society’ is Theresa May’s moniker for her agenda that is supposed to [...]

We can’t allow a real-life Ministry of Truth

In George Orwell’s seminal novel 1984 the Ministry of Truth is the government ‘s propaganda ministry, responsible for disseminating information to the [...]

UK tax evasion legislation: how to abolish the rule of law

Ever since the financial crisis, people and corporations who try to minimise their tax have been in the public eye, and the scrutiny only intensified with the [...]

The Fed: Re-loading the gun for a lost fight

Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen has a plan: she wants to follow up on the December rate hike with three more quarter-point increases in 2017. The reasons, she [...]

Why we doubt the climate change consensus

The planet is warming. The average global temperature has risen by 0.8 degrees Celsius since 1880. The 10 warmest years since then have all occurred since the [...]

Calling out the media coverage of Syria

Sometimes it takes a brief and concise summary of a complicated matter to get people’s attention and potentially change perceptions which have come to be [...]

The Fed hikes but bubbles are not going away

The Federal reserve met market expectations yesterday and raised the target for the benchmark Fed Funds rate by 0.25% to 0.5-0.75%, and market consensus is for [...]

Markets, manure and the future of mankind: the case against environmental regulation

“In 50 years, every street in London will be buried under nine feet of manure.” So predicted the London Times newspaper in 1894. An army of more than [...]

A free-market approach to immigration

The Brexit and Trump votes have changed politics as we knew it on both sides of the Atlantic, with populist movements setting an agenda which is in opposition [...]

In transport, safety is profit

This week saw a relatively benign announcement from Transport Secretary Chris Grayling, who is intending to hand over responsibility for track maintenance to [...]