Modern economic debate is dominated by demand side economics. The tenets of Keynesian economic theory have so pervaded the spheres of politics and public [...]
‘Fifth of UK population now in poverty’ read alarming headlines in December 2017. The Joseph Roundtree Foundation had released a report claiming that 14 [...]
In the wake of yet another school shooting in the US, gun control is once again a hot topic. And while the actual risk of ending up a victim of a mass shooting [...]
Abortion is one of the most divisive issues in modern politics, especially in the US, where, ever since the Supreme Court’s 1973 “Roe v. Wade” decision [...]
Economic theory is not a field with too many dissidents. The teachings of John Maynard Keynes have broadly stood unopposed as the foundation of modern economic [...]
The year is 1928. More than a decade after the Bolsheviks took power, the Soviet state struggles with grain collection from increasingly strained farmers, [...]
Oxfam annual report on global wealth and inequality was out this week, and as has been the case in previous years, it garnered significant media interest, due [...]
Sometimes truth prevails. In a media environment dominated by political correctness, a vehicle for a rare dose of reason was this week provided by the [...]
In Britain today, the state is everywhere; a menacing omnipresence demanding to supervise and control what we do, and tax us whether we do something wrong [...]