Money and Inflation

Libertarian Rescue Mission: Can Milei save the Peso?

Javier Milei shocked the political establishment when he romped to victory in the Argentine Presidential election in 2023. A proud anarcho-capitalist, he took [...]

Did central banks create inflation? 

Inflation, said the Nobel price winning economist Milton Friedman, is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. Put simply, what he meant is that the price [...]

Inflation in the era of QE: still a monetary phenomenon

When global central banks responded to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) with Quantitative Easing (QE), many economists, not least Austrians, foresaw a wave [...]

Modern Monetary Theory: The dangers of an alluring economic theory

In a world of rapidly rising government debt, Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is attracting attention. That is not surprising, given that the theory purports [...]

The problem with inflation targeting

In central bank lingo, price stability somewhat preposterously means an engineered, predictable and stable increase in the price level. Most central banks, [...]