On an otherwise ordinary school day in 1967, Ron Jones, a young social studies teacher in Palo Alto, California, put his 10th grade students through an [...]
As most of the Western world is in strict lockdown to fight Coronavirus, those who are sceptical about the policy of lockdown find it hard to be heard. [...]
A decade after the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) and bailouts are once again on the political agenda. Back then, banks all over the world were supplied with [...]
‘It’s a war,’ said President Trump, when describing the fight against the Coronavirus, labelling himself a ‘war-time President’. Sure enough, with a [...]
In health economics, a quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) is
a generic measure of the burden of disease, capturing both the quality and the
quantity of life [...]
Coronavirus has left economies across the world in suspended animation as governments attempt to contain the spread of the virus by pursuing draconian [...]
The UK is in lockdown. In spite of his initial
instinct to try to preserve civil liberties, Boris Johnson surrendered to the pressure
and turned his country [...]
This week, US President Donald Trump seemingly caved in to
pressure from failing airplane manufacturer Boeing Inc. and others, who have been
lobbying for [...]
Last week, in a landmark British legal case brought by
environmental charities, Friends of the Earth and Plan B Earth, a judge ruled
that the planned [...]
On 1st July 2019 the US economic
expansion, which started in the wake of the global financial crisis in June
2009, entered its 121st month and thereby [...]